The original show
The original show Order now Available in Glovo, Uber Eats and Just Eat // Live the show at @oneburger___ // Dine in One laundry → Location here // Order now Available in Glovo, Uber Eats and Just Eat // Live the show at @oneburger___ // Dine in One laundry → Location here // Order now Available in Glovo, Uber Eats and Just Eat // Live the show at @oneburger___ // Dine in One laundry → Location here // Order now Available in Glovo, Uber Eats and Just Eat // Live the show at @oneburger___ // Dine in One laundry → Location here //
Laundry Edition
One day, we had this crazy idea: what if you walked into a laundromat and got a burger out of a washing machine? Well, now this fun idea is a reality and sometimes we see people bringing their clothes to wash, only to end up having one of the best burgers of their lives. You’re welcome 😉
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